Hello! I'm Teresa, the creative force and lens enthusiast at KD Photo Co. Navigating the intricate journey of wedding planning can feel like embarking on a thrilling adventure, and I'm here to be your dedicated guide.

Your photographer is not just a vendor; they're the storyteller capturing the essence of your love. That's why, from the early stages of planning to the final dance on your wedding day, I'm here for you. Need advice on wedding invitations or tips on the best places to register? I've got you covered.

My mission goes beyond capturing beautiful moments; it's about building a connection that goes beyond the lens. By the time your wedding day arrives, my aim is for you to see me as more than just a photographer—I want to be the friend you turn to, ensuring you feel at ease and surrounded by familiar faces on your special day.

Let's embark on this journey together, where your story unfolds in every frame, and I become more than just your photographer—I become your friend.

But, in order for that to happen and for you to feel comfortable with me on your wedding day you should know a little about me.


I have always loved taking pictures! When my husband bought me my first “Real” camera I was hooked! I started with landscapes but then found that I really love capturing people. I absolutely love capturing true connections between them. If I can get a genuine reaction, that is the best feeling for me as a photographer. I love to customize shoots that are unique to the individual. Want to find a waterfall? Let’s do it! Waterfront in Seattle? I’m there! My goal is to make every session your dream session!

I am a busy mom with six grown kids. I love my family! My husband Jake and I have been married for almost 30 years. When my kids were younger I was a stay at home mom that took on little part time jobs to help out when we needed it. I love the fact that I was able to be home with my kids when they were really young. Watching them grow so fast I was grateful for all the photos I had. My passion for photography grew looking at these photos, these amazing memories in print. These images stop time for us and allow us to reflect on the memories and how much we have grown. It is nice now that they are growing up and independent, it gives me time to focus on all of my favorite passions!

  • I am a Karaoke Queen!

    I LOVE karaoke! I have competed in several karaoke contests. I grew up singing choirs and preforming so it is a natural thing for me.

  • I might be replacing my kids

    My husband swears everytimg one of our kids moves out, I replace them with a four legged version. We have 2 cats and two dogs. Our cats, Rosco and Naan are both part Maine Coon and pretty big. We also have two Corgie’s, Frank and Larry. Frank is very intense and Larry is the complete oposite.

  • I am super dependable!

    If someone is in need, I am there. My family and friends mean everything to me.

  • I am a caffeine addict!

    I love Diet Pepsi and Lotus Energy. I probably drink more of them than I do water. I swear I am at the coffee stand at least twice a day!